Monday, July 2, 2007

Going for a walk with Alan.

I took these pictures today while Alan and I were out for a walk around our apartments. Our walk began by sitting on the stoop and drawing pictures with sidewalk chalk. Alan loves his chalk and wants to draw with it almost every time we go outside. He can stay focused for quite some time if he's really interested in something. After we were done, he gathered all the scattered peices up into their container, carefully closed it by himself and took it with him for our walk.
This first thing he spotted was a very cool tractor machine that was lifting men and meterials up onto the roof. They are replacing some of our roofs and I hope they replace ours. He loved looking at them.
Alan explores everything when we're outside. He is so fascinated with the small things and the large and you can tell he is learning so much. He particularily loves drains right now and especially putting things down in them through the holes. That is what he is doing in this picture.
And in this one. And he's talking all about it in Alanish.
He talks a lot.
I love this picture!!! Look at that little toddler face. He's drooling like crazy because he's teething. His cheeks are red and rosy from our walk and from some skin allergies. His eyes are still so blue and so far his brother's are too. Blue shirt, blue sky and blue eyes. What's not to love about this pic?

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